The principles of proper nutrition, such as regularity, balance and a variety of food, apply to children as well as adults. If the diet lacks some of the important components for the development of a child, the missing substance may not cause any problems immediately, but it can affect their development and, almost inevitably will only become apparent in adulthood in the form of health complications.
A well-known rule for a balanced meal is a plate full of proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables, all in equal proportions. The basic building elements for proper child development are primarily milk and dairy products. Furthermore, quality meat, wholemeal bread, suitable side dishes (especially rice, but also potatoes or pasta), vegetables and fruits. In terms of fats, vegetable fats and oils are preferred to animal fats. Not only do children need fat for a proper growth and development, it is also an important source of energy. Fats help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K, so it is necessary to maintain a ratio in their diet. It is also recommended to prepare legumes and fish for children once or twice a week (a great source of iodine and omega 3). Kids as well as adults should ideally eat five times a day.
We should reduce products with a high sugar content (sweet pastry, sweets and sugary drinks) and a high salt/oil content (crisps, salted nuts, smoked meats and fried food). As substitutes for these unhealthy products, we recommend a good quality chocolate (at least 70% of cocoa), nuts, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables.
Between the age of seven and ten, a child’s growth slows down and their daily energy intake should therefore be lower in comparison to previous and future growth spurts. From this age, kids often eat in the school canteen and so it is necessary to try and control all their other meals. They should drink 1,5 litres of water/tea (other drinks like milk, caro etc. are not included in that) and when playing sports they should drink 2 litres.
Around the age of 12, kids go through another growth spurt, during which the eat more than usual. It is important to add plenty of vitamin B12 (meat, dairy products and eggs) and iron (meat and offal).
The diet plan should be divided into five meals per day. We gain energy in the morning and proteins in the afternoon.
We should avoid simple sugars (sweets and soft drinks) and instead consume carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes, brown/dark bread).
Animal fats replaced with vegetable fats as much as possible (for example a good olive oil).
Don’t forget to include a varied range of fruits (seasonal) and vegetables, preferably green vegetables.
Dairy products and fibre are also included in the diet plan.
We recommend mixing porridge with milk (cow, almond, hazelnut, oat or rice), and any fruits and nuts. The porridge could be buckwheat, oat, seed, multigrain, chia, rice, barley etc.
Cornflakes with milk or yoghurt, or any other dairy product, could be flavoured with marmalade, honey or fruits.
A savoury version with brown breads - with margarine, a good quality ham and a 30% eidam cheese and vegetables. Another option could be cream cheese, Palouček or cottage cheese. A sweet version with brown breads - with marmalade or honey.
Eggs prepared in any way, ideally with brown breads and vegetables.
Breakfast should be served with with a glass of milk (as mentioned above), unsweetened tea, dutch cocoa or water. As for fizzy drinks, they should be completely avoided, with the exemption of Magnesia which does have positive effects to our body and, in a small amount, could be a part of breakfast.
Dairy products: acidophilus milk, bifi drink, yoghurt drink, curd/cottage cheese, whole milk, Skyr yoghurt, white yoghurt, greek yoghurt.
Brown breads (as mentioned above) with fruits and vegetables.
Baby spinach, kiwi, banana, orange, water
Kefir, lime, banana, honey
Raspberries, banana, coconut milk
Strawberries, wild berries, oat milk
Avocado, spinach, apple, mango
Pineapple, blueberries, apple
Strawberries, chia seeds, banana
Your lunch should mostly consist of carbohydrates. You could add meat, but it is not necessary, consuming meat regularly several times of the day could burden your digestive system.
Meals with meat
Chinese with bulgur wheat
Chicken with mango chutney, brown rice
Turkey, rice and steamed vegetables with butter
Spaghetti with sea food
Cod, mashed potatoes
Baked chicken, potatoes
Burger, vegetables, brown bun
Wholewheat pasta with turkey and spinach sauce
Chicken curry, mixed vegetables, couscous
Cauliflower patties with feta and almond dip, wholewheat pita bread
Spaghetti aglio e olio
Cauliflower with scrambled eggs, potatoes
Lentils, eggs and pickles
Potato, borsch, broth, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, leek, garlic, onion, lentil, beans
Your dinner should usually consist of protein and vegetables. Side dishes are optional, if they are included they should not make up the majority of the meal.
Baked asparagus with parma ham
Grilled salmon with tzatziki and vegetables
Zander fillet and vegetables
Steak with baked vegetables
Greek salad
Trout with mixed vegetables